Friday, November 5, 2010

Fear & Loathing In The Deep Fried Snickers Bar

DISCLAIMER Part 1: I am by no means picking on the person who used to be the fat kid. You can't prevent genetics, however, you can prevent laziness.

DISCLAIMER Part 2: Prepare to be offended if you are lazy. I make no apologies.

I compare health and fitness to college. I once had a charming asshole tell me that college was not about getting a degree and a job in a relevant field, but that it was about being disciplined and becoming polished. That might have been the only credible thing he ever said or did. I have to agree. It takes a lot of discipline to get up and go to class after a night of partying. Even if you decide to not go, you are still responsible for making a huge decision. The same goes for exercising. Does anybody really want to get out of bed early to workout? I don't, but I do it anyway. Life is not always fair. If I stay in bed that extra 15 minutes that I could be doing crunches will I have a better day? No. If I get out of bed 15 minutes early and do crunches will I have a better day? Maybe not, but I will feel better about myself.

There are two kinds of people. There are people who decide to make healthy choices when it comes to eating and exercise and there are those who say "screw it, my metabolism isn't as fast as it used to be so I am just going to be fat and happy." Why do I care? Why is is my business? Because I have to look at their fat asses and sit next to them on airplanes. On a bad day, there is nothing like some major arm fat to piss me off. I know, I know...It's really something going on inside of me and it has nothing to do with them, however, their fat is the catalyst. I can just as easily get annoyed with the person who talks about their daily gym trips, but not as much. For those who brag about how much they exercise, I get it. Trust me I get it, but please put your pom-poms down. On the other hand, I guess we all need something to brag about. I choose to brag about cocktail hour.

We all know those annoying people who check into restaurants with no healthy choices on foursquare all day long. How cute is it to envision someone who is saying "yummm, Starbucks frappuccino" and then 2 hours later "yummm, Hooters chicken wings"? Not cute when you envision them going back to work and plugging their ass with doughnuts in order to pad their desk chair. These are the same people who complain all day long. These people are not "fat and happy". Sure I get aggravated throughout the day, but it is hardly ladylike to broadcast it to the universe.

Sure there are days where I think I might trade my right arm for a chicken finger pizza, however, when I see that chocolate cake in Kroger I do not take it home like a prom date.

There are ways to make it somewhat entertaining. My best co-worker and I track our weight weekly on a chart. She goes by Lil' Court and I go by Diane Smalls. If you don't understand the reference then I suggest you brush up on your gangsta rap. Think Junior Mafia circa the early 90's.

A lot of people eat because they are bored. Not hungry, but bored to tears. This happens to me quite frequently at work. Instead of stuffing my face with Twizzlers, I make a cup of hot tea. Contrary to popular belief, Twizzlers are not good for you and they do not represent one of the major food groups. If that were the case candy corn could be classified as a vegetable. Low-fat candy. Really?

Before anyone calls me on it, because I know somebody will, oh yes I do, I know a segment of the population has health problems which prevent them from being super skinny bitches, however, I know several of these people and they work hard at being healthy and it shows.

Do I get an A+ in P.E. every single day? Not no, but Hell no! If I did, I would be cascading down a runway in a bra and panties with giant angel wings strapped to my back. I do, however, get an A+ with extra credit in the creative department every single day. When I am craving nachos I do not consort with the nearest Mexican cartel in order to feed my desires. I make them myself minus the chips. This way I know what ingredients are being added and they are healthier. I guess technically without the chips they are not nachos, but whatever. I use grilled chicken and black beans along with sour cream and cheese which I use sparingly. Dr. Atkins thought it was okay to take a bath in cheese and ranch dressing, but I think he might have been a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

Ultimately, it is someone's personal choice if they want to take care of themselves and it is none of my business, however, I think that people are really selling themselves short if they don't take care of themselves.

The most important person to look good for and be healthy for is yourself, however, it is nice to be easy on the eyes for other people.

I don't just want a man to open the door for me. I want a man to pick me up and carry me through that door and how is he going to be able to do that if my ass is too heavy to lift or too fat to fit through a door?

And, men want to be with the girl that when everyone sees her they say, "He must get down on his knees every night and thank God that he is with her."  They definitely do not want to hear, " Awww, poor thing.  They must have been high school sweethearts."