Monday, October 11, 2010

The Key To Happiness Is Running Over People Who Are Losers And Turning Them Into Speed Bumps

We have all made the mistake of giving energy to a situation that reeks of failure like a mayonnaise and Swiss cheese sandwich that has been in the trunk of your car for a week.  Some of us learn from that mistake and some of us just keep repeating it.

Not only are you allowing someone to rent space for free in your head, but you are letting them occupy a luxury suite at the St. Regis why you are sitting at home eating Ramen noodles.

This does not necessarily apply to relationships with people of the opposite sex or the same sex if you like Cher and lots of glitter.  It can apply to a family member, co-worker, the mail carrier, etc.

Think.  Think about the negatives.  There's no point in losing your sleep over an individual that you know you won't be able to maintain a healthy relationship with.  It's not going to happen, it's not worth it, you're wasting your time.  End of story.  Cry a river, build a bridge and get over it, because chances are that UPS guy that stops in your office everyday that you slobber all over will get a new route and you can focus your attention on the next one.  If you are lucky, FedEx will make frequent stops too.  I wouldn't know because my UPS guy is a fluffy bald guy and FedEx is represented by a 60 year old woman who looks like she has alot of experience with women.

This doesn't mean that you have to cease all contact with this person.  There is no need to delete their number or defriend them on facebook.  Hopefully, you stop melting underneath them before you start building real resentments.  When you hold resentment toward someone, you are building an unwanted emotional connection with them that is stronger than cement.  You can color on that cement with fluorescent chalk and try to make it appear different, but it isn't going to change things.  It is still cement that people have publicly urinated on and a cracked foundation at that.

These relationships are like a night celebratory drinking.  You  feed on them again and again, and while they hurt you like a massive hangover each time, you just can't let go of it.  However, if you want to be happy, YOU HAVE TO LET GO. 

Moral Of The Story: If you plant flower seeds in a weed garden, flowers will not sprout.  Weeds will.  Someone once drew me a picture of a flower and told me that I was a pretty flower, therefore, I choose not to hang out with weeds.

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