Sunday, January 10, 2010

Self-Awareness And The One Night Stand~A Survival Kit

We women have all walked the walk of shame at least once in our lives and if we have done it once chances are we have done it on several occasions. Most of us are not afraid to admit it either. In college, we walked away from his fraternity house in his shirt and boxers, barefoot with a sense of pride. Our gesture exclaimed, “Look at me, look at me, look what I got!” Chances are if you didn’t use protection then your next walk of shame was to the gynecologist’s office to find out exactly “what you got.”

Women often question the fairness of the concept that men are considered heroes and women are considered sluts when it comes to sexual encounters that occur outside of committed relationships. This is a barbaric concept and should not apply especially when women enjoy sex and know that they need it occasionally if they are not in a relationship to prevent them from becoming a homicidal, hormonal maniac.

Like women, for some men, when they reach their mid-30’s they are looking for something different. They no longer want you to vanish in the morning. They want to keep you for days on end. If a man that I barely know plans on keeping me for days then it better be on a tropical island. Think about it. There you are stranded at his place. You are too broke to take a cab. All of your friends are too hung over or too busy to come get you. You are hungry and restless. And last, but certainly not least you start to smell like an expired dumpster.  After being stuck with him in his apartment for almost 48 hours, you don't need a lover, you need a caseworker.  The mind-blowing sex you had is an afterthought. It is like dust in the wind, because all you can focus on is how you want a shower and a cheeseburger.

With the rise in popularity of sleepovers that appear to be infinity-themed you must prepare and prepare well. Before going out you will need to pack a survival kit which should include, but not be limited to: A toothbrush (Thank God for WISPS which are mini, disposable toothbrushes), a change of clothes, snacks, cash, sleep aids, medicine, reading material, etc. Believe it or not you can be resourceful and survive in style. My favorite places to get over-sized handbags in Atlanta are at Bill Hallman, Fabrik and K-La.

So grab that over-sized handbag and always remember…He wants you and has the ability to convince you that you want him. As long as you are aware of the fact that you want "it" and need "it" then you have nothing to be ashamed of. At last, you can view the ultimate calorie burner as a pleasurable transaction between two consenting adults as opposed to a booty call or one night stand.

Take ownership and have fun, but be safe!

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